The Heronry

The Herons are a great tourist attraction and have made their homes on Moscow Island in the Mere opposite the Boat House.

The herons nest in the tops of the trees on Moscow Island, right in front of the Boathouse Visitor Centre.

There are as many as 25 pairs of herons every year.

From the comfort of the Boathouse Visitor Centre in Ellesmere, Shropshire, we can watch the herons nesting on nearby Moscow Island. Using video cameras, we have continuous viewing of all the action as the herons build their nests, breed and incubate their eggs, and feed their hungry chicks.

Ellesmere Heronwatch starts in February each year, and runs through to early June. This is when the herons are active.
From 10.30 to 3.30 everyday, the video cameras and telescopes allow visitors close views of all the nest activity. Come and see for yourself!

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